
Election Commission Praised for Oversight

The commission sets strict guidelines about where candidates can poster and how many posters a candidate can put up.

Candidates are each given 50 points at the beginning of the race. Points for violations are deducted from that total, and a candidate who receives 50 or more demerits is disqualified.


Averell had 49 points deducted, forcing him over his spending limit. For every one point deducted, a candidate loses one dollar in spending. For every 10 points lost, a candidate loses an additional $10 in spending.

All other candidates also got docked points for postering violations, although most lost less than six points.

One point on controversy arose, however, when vice presidential candidate John F. Bash '03 alerted the commission to several violations committed by other candidates.

"In the first week, I received as many [reports] from him as from all others combined," Election Commission Chair Kyle D. Hawkins '02 said.

Bash declined to comment on the issue.

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