
Residents Lash Out Against Harvard Development

Cambridge residents blasted Harvard for its still vague plans to expand into Allston and its decision to build a new art museum on the riverside site of Mahoney's Garden Center at a meeting of City of Cambridge Planning Board.

Harvard officials came before the board to present the school's annual Town Gown report.

Kathy Spiegelman, director of planning and real estate for Harvard, said most of Harvard's expansion in the future will take place across the river in Allston.


Neither she nor Paul Grogan, vice president for community and government affairs for Harvard, would elaborate on what Harvard will do with Allston land.

Spiegelman said that the relocation of one of the graduate schools and the construction of more graduate student dormitories were possibilities.

Grogan said that he understood the "widespread fear at Harvard's and MIT's presence" and the community's anxiety that Harvard would "relentlessly expand."

Grogan said the move to Allston signaled a recognition by the University that Cambridge is over-congested.

Cambridge community members, however, last night said they were not thrilled about the extension.

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