
Soman's In the [K]now

It Girl: Sugi Ganeshananthan '02. Gotta love Sugi. The girl's got heart. With a notorious last name (it rhymes with on and on and on) and an acerbic wit, Sugi is the one of the few reasons I can walk into the Harvard Crimson building at 14 Plympton Street without getting nauseous (the others include my beloved Arts editors and my photocopier code). Not only is she good at what she does, but she operates without ulterior motives. How many Harvard people can you say that about?


Normally my family goes to Las Vegas for Thanksgiving (this would have been trip number 17!), but the pop culture maelstrom of South Florida was too hard to resist. In between lying on the beach or carousing around Coconut Grove, my older brother and I would go looking for election protests... Speaking of election protests, I think those "Sore / Loserman" posters are wonderfully clever... With all the recount frenzy, it looks like everybody wants a do-over. The Backstreet Boys are calling for a recount of CD sales after their first week tallies for Black and Blue just narrowly missed the 2.4 million record set by 'NSync in March... On a similar note, doctors have just decided that Oscar Wilde didn't die of syphilis, but actually of a complex ear infection. If you're in the mood to carp about your cell phone bill, demand a salary review or petition your credit card bill, this seems like the time to do it...Gladiator is being shown on IMAX screens in major cities across the country starting this week. Can there be too much of a good thing? The idea of that much bone-crunching action on a thirteen-story screen makes me queasy just thinking about it... Did you catch the live Madonna concert webcast on Tuesday night from London's Brixton Academy? What a blast! (You can catch reruns on Two proactive students are starting the Backstreet Boys Fan Alliance at Harvard. Future events include a protest against 'NSync in Harvard Yard, a 24-hour music video marathon, and a road trip to TRL. E-mail acasill@fas for more info on how to join... What's with all the pop star make-overs? To compensate for the stagnant sounds, singers are choosing to toy with their precious images. Jennifer Lopez has renamed herself "JLo," and she parades around with glittery cornrows and the rapper-esque moniker on tight-fitting t-shirts. Justin Timberlake is trying desperately to grow a goatee, but he still looks like a kid wishing and hoping for puberty. The Backstreet Boys all have new dos including Nick Carter, who looks uncomfortable no matter what he's wearing... With all the poo-poo in theaters this season, I decided to go down the AFI's list of all-time best comedies to cheer me up. I randomly picked Bringing Up Baby, starring Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and a leopard. Without a doubt, one of the funniest, wittiest movies I've ever seen. It's an incredible date movie. You'll win over anybody you show it to... During Thanksgiving dinner, my grandmother tapped me on the shoulder. "I worry about you," she sighed. "Why? My life is just peachy," I answered. "Oh. I just don't want you joining any gangs," Grandma said. Any idea what she meant?


Questions, Comments, Death Threats? E-mail schainan@fas

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