
Officials Begin Florida Recount

Palm Beach was the focal point of many of yesterday's claims, as charges were aired that confused ballots had led many Gore supporters--potentially hundreds--to unwittingly cast their vote for Pat Buchanan after the ballots in three precincts were misprinted.

Buchanan received over 3,400 votes in Palm Beach County--a fifth of his state total--despite the fact he only received 561 votes in the more populous neighboring Dade County.

In addition, the Justice Department and the Florida attorney general's office launched an investigation into a "safety checkpoint" set-up by four free-lancing state troopers on the way to Woodville Baptist Church, a predominantly minority polling place.


Other voting anomalies which are drawing attention are the allegations that voters were turned away in Dade County, and a judge's decision to designate the Volusia County polling place as a crime scene after a computer disk of voter information was lost.

The Florida secretary of state promised the preliminary recount would be completed by 5 p.m. today--although either campaign can challenge those results in court.

While life in Nashville continued yesterday morning, the election's surprising twist played havoc with schedules, as staffers and volunteers postponed planned vacations and the media rebooked flights to stay and keep covering the campaign.

But yesterday, city workers were busy taking down the stage at the War Memorial Plaza, the site of Gore's planned victory celebration on election night.

Even at the Sheraton Nashville Downtown, the nexus of Gore's election night headquarters, was moving on--the media center was being dismantled in preparation for the annual conference of the Tennessee Psychological Association.

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