
Gore Minutes From Conceding

Outside, a campaign worker switched on the networks on the big screen televisions, and a giant cheer went up from the crowd. The race had narrowed to only about 200 votes.

History was in the making.

"It's absolutely amazing," said Melissa H. Renny, a sophomore at Princeton who skipped classes to attend the Gore celebration. "In a 100 years, when people are talking about great moments in campaign history, this'll be one of them."


"It makes you feel proud to be an American," said Gore volunteer Beverly L. Barnes. "Your vote counts."

Gore aides, who just an hour earlier, brushing aside reporters' frantic questions with "no comment" and "I don't know," suddenly exhibited newfound life.

As Gore and his motorcade rushed back to the Loews, campaign chair Bill

Daley came out to speak to the soggy supporters.

"There's never been a night like this one," he said around 4:30 a.m. "This race is still too close to call and until the recount is concluded and the results in Florida become official, our campaign continues."

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