
Faculty, Students, Nation Await Decision From Florida

Students frustrated by delayed result

Despite the disappointment and nerves, many first-year voters said they were simply excited about the fact that their first election has turned out to be such an historic event.

Students mused that years into the future their grandchildren would turn to them and ask, "Where were you on the night that no one won the presidential election?"


A small handful of students will remember spending the evening in the Science Center computer lab, affectionately known as the "Nerd Cage," as they struggled to complete their computer science problem sets while simultaneously trying to keep tabs on the election.

"Everyone was working, but at the same time they had their little election screen up, and when big news was coming in, everyone would crowd around the screen," said Maryann Vellanikaran '04, who was there for the action.

Among the students who are most anxious at this hour are those whose home state has become the focus of the nation.

"I'm on pins and needles," Caloza said.

Natalie B. Bedoya '04, a resident of Palm Beach County, Florida, was frustrated by the fact that she was not able to cast her vote, one that would have fallen under the Gore column.

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