
A Soul-Searching Interview with Adam Sandler

THC: How do you collaborate on your writing process? Is it the same for every movie that you write?

AS: Okay, good question. Well, so far, I've thought of the idea for every movie. Me, Adam Sandler. I'm in my room, I think of it, and I say "Well, this is fucking gold." And so then I call my friends up and tell them the idea. And they say, "Yeah, Sandler, you're unbelievable. How'd you think of that? You're the funniest." They say things like that. Like, "I'm so psyched that I get to hang out with you. You're cool, you're charming, you're funny as shit." And then we get to the process, you know. But throughout the process they continue going, "Fuckin' A, man."

Ok, no. Actually, what we do is we sit in a room and try to beat out an outline for the movie. Say, you know, we come up with a story line. Actually, on this movie, me and Hurleyhee were writing and Covert was helping and Jack, our producer. And we didn't have a flow going, and we called this guy Steve Brill up, and he actually rejuvinated us and got us a good story line. And we all jamed together on that. It's just trying to make each other laugh. Trying to have the script make some sense, the story make some sense, and make srue we get enough laughs.


THC: It's not exactly a message movie though, is it.

AS: Good conquers evil. That's a nice message. There are jokes in there that - it depends on how you look at it - but it will be offensive to some. We don't mean to offend anybody. But ultimately if I went to the movie with my neice, who's eight, I'd like to be there with her and tell her about it. I'm sure you're not literally against hearing the word hell. But the jokes and the stuff, and the sexual stuff is goopy. I don't think any man watching this with the sexual content gets an erection. I've seen movies where I've gotten a full-on erection, and I was excited about having the erection. But this movie in particular, besides Neilon's head, I had no erection. The dogs making love was nice, though.

THC: You have such a close bond with your casts and you obviously have lots of actors who consistently appear in your films. Do you just do the casting yourself?

AS: We do it together. We do know with Covert that we like to have him just be uncomfortable for a few days. Not the fact that he was gay, but the fact that he had to shave the top of his head and gain a lot of weight - that was fun, to humiliate him. And he was in _Happy Gilmore_ we made him grow a beard and be dirty. And in _Wedding Singer_ we made him comb his hair different and wear a Michael Jackson jacket. And we had him make out in Big Daddy with our other guy. That was fun for both of them.

THC: How annoying was it to have to speak out of the side of your mouth the whole time in order to get your character's distinctive voice?

AS: It wasn't that challenging. I just did an impression of a kid I knew grewing up who used to talk like that. He was the type of guy who knew lots of rock n' roll facts and used to make up lies when he didn't know something. You know like, (hissing) "I saw Zepplin last week." And we'd be like, "No you didn't." Then he'd be like, "My cousin saw Zepplin last week." And we'd be like, "No he didn't." Then he'd be like, "My cousin has a live Zepplin poster. It looked like all the people were having a fucking good time." So yeah, I just used his weird voice. It wasn't too hard.

THC: Which Adam Sandler movie do you take to a deserted island?

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