
Texas Governor Returns Home to Await Results

Students chided Bush on a number of issues, ranging from his environmental record to his position on abortion.

One group of students gathered at the event to protest his strict enforcement of the death penalty.


Each student wore all black with a label saying the name of one of the 146 inmates executed while Bush has been governor.

"I have yet to see the compassion in compassionate conservative," said UT junior Phillip Dupre, drawing strong applause from the crowd that had gathered.

While some students have been vocal in debating their opinions, others have been apathetic about the race in general, since Texas is not a battleground state.

"I think it's about half and half between who cares and who doesn't," said first-year student Teisha Devore.

"I think either way it will be all right," said Bush supporter Katherine Flowers, a graduate student at UT. "I was disappointed when [President Bill] Clinton won the last two elections, but it wasn't the end of the world."

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