
Spike Lee Wows Forum

When the panel opened itself up to audience questions, many wanted to know what measures could be taken to counter existing stereotypes.

Lee said that some of that power lay with consumers, encouraging them not to support the entertainment industry when it circulates those stereotypes.


"[It can be] a matter of you not watching a TV show, or going to a movie or buying that CD" he said.

When asked about the difficulty in walking the tight line between realistic and positive representations of minorities, Lee responded that he did not allow himself to be confined to positive appearances.

"My goal was never just to do positive images," he said. "I don't worry about that stuff."

Besides Lee and Crouch, the other panelists were W.J.T. Mitchell, a professor of English and art history at the University of Chicago, photographer Carrie Mae Weems, and television producer Octavia Hudson. Alvin Poussant, pyshchiatrist and associate dean at Harvard Medical School, mediated the discussion.

The panel evoked mixed reactions from audience members.

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