
Marsalis Performs, Teaches Jazz

"It's a great place, it's a great experience. I'm just very grateful to be here," he said. Marsalis showed his appreciation by spending over an hour talking with fans after the forum.

Audience members said they were also glad he made the trip.

"As we see arts education programs gradually dying out, it's so important to have people like Wynton, advocates for the arts, stressing their central place in society," said Ashley McCants '02, a Kuumba singer and audience member, of Marsalis' mission.


Marsalis was introduced by Jessica H. Davis, Patricia Bowman chair at the Graduate School of Education. He then gave Davis the Sunny Days Award, which recognizes those who improve and brighten children's lives and is offered by the company which produces the Sesame Street television program. Marsalis is a member of the PBS program's selection committee.

Before leaving, Marsalis offered some final words of advice for students.

"Gore. Gotta go Gore."

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