
Tufts President Backs Protesters

Barry also praised Reitman for his skills as a moderator.

"It helped the whole process go smoothly," he said.

During the 34 hours that protestors occupied Bendetson, there were always students gathered outside, offering emotional support, those involved said.


"There were people inside risking arrest; the least we could do was sleep in the cold to offer support," said Laurie R. Bishop, a student who spent Tuesday night sleeping in a tent outside Bendetson.

The students outside maintained rotating solidarity shifts, in part to defend against an arrest during the night. Students feared that the police would take advantage of the absence of media to make an arrest late in the evening.

"People inside had a real fear that they would be arrested during the night because that was when the crowds and media weren't around," said Laura M. Kerivan, a student who slept outside. "Every time the police stopped by checking up on things, we brought out video cameras and gathered people around."

Students inside also planned how to react to a late night arrest.

"We were going to sit in a group, link arms and go limp, and they would have to drag us out," Carlis said.

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