Many students said they felt the same way.
"The flu's really easy to get here, and I can't afford to be sick," said Alice O. Wong '04. "So why not [get the vaccine]?"
Other students said they were not planning on getting the vaccine.
"I don't think they really help," said Mike D. Ramos '04. "I know people who've ended up getting the flu even with the shot."
According to an informational pamphlet from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while it is still possible to contract the flu after being vaccinated, it is often a milder case.
The pamphlet also warns that people sometimes mistake any illness involving fever, aches and pains for influenza, even though it could be a completely different virus.
In addition to being vaccinated, Campbell said students should "rest, de-stress, and eat well, and maintain good hygiene" in order to have a healthy winter.