
Campus Parties Debate Issues

While the Republicans touted Bush as the candidate who would bring "honor and integrity back to the oval office," the Democrats dismissed the question as irrelevant and accused the Republicans of focusing on personality rather than issues.

"I don't really like the question," Stad said. "Gore is an amazing family man who has never cheated and never will cheat."

"Gore is so nice," he said to the audience's laughter.


The Republicans continued to attack Gore's character, citing political inconsistencies in the democratic candidate's political career.

"Gore will do and say anything to get elected." Woodruff said.

Stad questioned Bush's competence.

"Hey, I'd rather get a beer and go get drunk with George Bush--it'd probably be more fun, but do I want him to be president? No," he said.

The student debaters strayed into the touchy territory of abortion politics toward the end of the debates.

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