

The Winter Break Battle Cry

10:30 a.m. Joe wakes up and searches for another flight. It is no problem since a trusty Internet search engine assures him that "no one in their right mind travels on New Year's Day."

1 p.m. Joe wanders about the airport searching vainly for a drink of water. Sadly, they turn off the water fountains on Jan. 1.


11 p.m. Joe realizes that he is flying to Singapore.

11:10 p.m. Corporal punishment, seemingly arbitrary laws and warm weather. Joe settles back in his seat: "sounds better than Cambridge."

You see? The possible negative consequences are endless.

What's responsible for our schedule? Well, the easy answer is reading period--the ten day period before finals when classes and extra-curricular activities end, but students are expected to remain at school to work on final projects. A fine concept, but in practice, who likes reading period, anyway? Students sure don't. Who actually does "reading" during reading period? Even if I did choose to study, half of my TF's leave in January anyway. Yes, reading period gives us time to work on term papers. But other schools seem to do just fine without it. If kids at other colleges can write a 20 page paper and go to class at the same time, I think we can, too.

So, come on faculty! Where's the love? Where's the faith? Give us more vacation days; we can take it. Trust us.


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