
Puritan Beantown: Hub Cracks Down on Alcohol

"Well, this is strike one," Mills jokes.

The students laugh tentatively.


"How about a ball?" one ventures, playing along.

"Or a do-over?" adds another.

Smiling all the way, Mills delivers his message--this chat will not be so friendly next time--and exits.

"You don't get another do-over," he said.

Keeping the Bartenders Honest

For students who want to drink, the answer to the crackdown isn't as simple as "don't get caught." Boston has focused on preventing illegal purchases just as much as it has on punishing offenders. Through a program called Cops in Shops, according to Evans, undercover police officers are randomly distributed at liquor stores, ready to arrest anyone who attempts to purchase alcohol with a fake ID. They also spot check vendors.

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