
Students Enjoy Canadian Elections, Beer

"The downside is that the Canadian Alliance is anti-immigrant," he said.

The Canadian Alliance has been the focus of media attention in recent months, with party leader Stockwell Day pulling media stunts to attract voter attention.

"The Globe and Mail said the man is an idiot!" Reitz said. "He claims that human beings co-existed with dinosaurs 6,000 years ago."


Reitz said he questions whether a man who challenges the entire scientific community could run a country.

"Day didn't even finish college," he said.

Most of the crowd at the ARCO Forum seemed to share Reitz's dislike for the Canadian Alliance, which has strong support in the west of Canada.

But nationally, the Liberal Party predominated. Party leader Jean Chretien led the Liberals to their third straight majority in Canada's parliamentary government. Chretien is the first prime minister to have won a third consecutive majority government since Mackenzie King in the 1940s.

And all in one night.

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