
NYU Graduate Students Form First TA Union

"We can expect a wave of TA unions cropping up at private universities across the nation," said GESO chair Rebecca B. Ruquist.

According to Ruquist, the NLRB decision has strengthened student resolve to more forcefully support unionization at Yale.


"The recent news that we are employees and are protected by labor laws has lent a lot of confidence to students," Ruquist said.

Ruquist said she applauds the NLRB decision because it shows the board is recognizing the changes that have taken place in job descriptions for TAs.

"The work I do as a TA is no different from what professors did before TAs existed," Ruquist said. "The fact that the NLRB finally caught up with the changes shows that the Yale administration is more out of touch than they may have thought."

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