
Five Tickets Will Seek Highest Council Posts

Smith headed up last year's Springfest, which came in $4,000 over budget and did not have as many rides and attractions as in years past.

Driskell told The Crimson in September that she would not officially endorse a candidate out of fairness to the other candidates, but many members say she has not made any secret of her view of Smith as her heir-apparent.

Smith's main opponent, Paul A. Gusmorino '02, heads up the Student Affairs Committee, which started UC Books and has been responsible for many of the student-services initiatives the council has undertaken. He is responsible for many of the council's tangible achievements this year, including UC Books, student-faculty dining and hot soup at fly-by.


Gusmorino and his vice presidential candidate Sujean S. Lee '02 also have one particular advantage: Lee is the only female candidate running this year. And in the five years that the council has held popular elections for its leaders, every winning ticket has had a female member.

The Funny Man

Famous for his drama skills, both in the theater and out, Averell is this year's wildcard candidate. No one really knows how seriously the student body will take his candidacy.

He gained campus-wide notoriety last year after being arrested for sneaking onto a plane home for Thanksgiving and is widely recognized as member of On Thin Ice.

His campaign, if run correctly, could upset the council insiders, finishing a strong second or even winning the race. While each election sees at least one "joke" candidate, Averell's campus prominence affords him an uncommon strength in the race.

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