
Harvard Triumphs Over Yale in Weekend Chess Match

Harvard won a much-anticipated victory over Yale this weekend, demolishing its rival and taking home a coveted award.

The triumph didn't take place at The Stadium, though, but in a third-floor room in Memorial Hall, where the Harvard Chess Club defeated its opponents from Yale.

Three seniors and one junior from Harvard carried the day, winning the tournament five to three with a single draw--an overwhelming victory for Harvard.


The match ended with Harvard ahead five to three with a single draw--an overwhelming victory for Harvard.

"Going into the match we expected to win," said Lu Yin '02, Chess Club vice president.

The Harvard Chess Club's top four players, Yakov Chudnovsky '01, Jonathan A. Wolff '01, Charles R. Riordan '01 and Yin, each played two games in the eight-game tournament.

The group had its eye on the coveted Wolff Cup, the silver cup awarded to the winner of the annual tournament.

But the victory wasn't a walk in the park for the Crimson team. At the end of the first round, the two teams were tied, two to two.

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