

Advice for Council Candidates

The Crimson offers a few suggestions on how--and how not--to run a campaign

--Procure a campaign manager. He'll be one of three people in the audience when you square off at the presidential debate.

--Pay attention to details. Take one means take one, not take as many as you like.


--Plan a victory party. As in high school, most people vote for the candidate who will throw the best victory party.

--Remember, shellac is for porches, not for hairstyles. If the paper is reporting on your coif but not your competency, it's not good news for your campaign.

--Be a uniter, not a divider.

--Watch your council attendance record. Try not to get booted for truancy the same day that you are instated in office.

--Be nice to your blockmates. If past voting trends continue, they could constitute the majority of the electorate.

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