
PBH Faces Summer of Financial Woes

"In a way, it actually exacerbates our short-term problems," Hampton says. "Our alumni are also our biggest source of regular support and we're asking them to double contributions."

Making Do With Less

With limited financial support this year, PBHA will allocate fewer funds than usual for SUP and encourage directors of individual programs to step up fundraising efforts.


Natalie Guerrier '01, outgoing president of PBHA, says PBHA will also cut some "extra programs" and "extra perks" to compensate for the lower funds. Specifically, Guerrier says, PBHA will cut down on expenses spent on providing food.

"The staff used to get one free meal a day under the plan," Guerrier says. "We're not giving that to them anymore."

Several directors say that despite PBHA's perennial struggles to fund the summer programs, they run relatively smoothly after directors finish the chaotic fundraising

Sandra L. Guzman '01, who co-directed the Dudley Youth Initiative, says her camp ran without major problems even though she encountered problems with fundraising at the beginning of her directorship.

"The bulk of our initial fundraising was spent on paying debts from the summer before," Guzman says. "We were trying to operate on a bare minimum. But, yes, it ran relatively smoothly."

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