
Will A Harvard Professor Go To Washington?

Stanfield Professor for International Peace Robert D. Putnam has focused his studied on the state of civic engagement in the U.S.


He is the author of the recently published--and widely praised--Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community.

He has journeyed to Washington, however, over the course of the Clinton Presidency to advise White House officials. And indeed, over the past weeks he has met with senior domestic policy advisors of both Bush and Gore to discuss civic engagement and public policy.

But he rejects the thought of accepting a permanent position in the federal government.

"I care deeply about civic renewal in this country, and since that is not a purely partisan issue, I'm glad to speak with leaders of either party," writes Putnam in an e-mail message. "On the other hand, I have no intention of leaving Harvard for any full-time position. I can't imagine a better job than the one I have now."

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