
Crimson Turns Over 117th to Yale

Elis capitalize on Crimson's comedy of errors

Lee dropped back to pass and saw Johnson running a slant route into the end zone. Lee threw the pass to Johnson high and to his left. In what was the most impressive play of The Game, Johnson tipped Lee's pass to himself with his left hand before grabbing it with his right hand just before he went out of the back of the end zone.

Johnson's improbable catch tied the score at 24 with 8:35 to go in The Game.

"Johnson is just a spectacular player," Yale Coach Jack Siedlecki said. "We laugh everyday in practice because he makes catches like that every day."


Harvard sophomore wideout Sean Meeker returned the ensuing kickoff to the Crimson 25 where the Harvard offense took over.

Junior quarterback Neil Rose, who set the single-season record for touchdown passes for the year, dropped to pass on first down and tried to hit a deep pass over the middle, but Yale senior linebacker Chris Eger got his hands on the pass and nearly intercepted the ball.

On the next play, Rose looked to get the ball downfield but was pressured by sophomore nose tackle Jason Lange and was forced to throw the ball away.

On third-and-10, Rose was pressured again, this time by multiple Eli pass rushers and forced out of the pocket. He threw off balance downfield but his pass floated in the air too long and junior free safety Ryan LoProto picked off the pass.

Yale took over at Harvard's 44-yard line. On first down, junior defensive tackle Ryan Fitzgerald sacked Lee for a three-yard loss.

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