Otherwise, Augustine and Walsh make exceptional use of the space offered by the Mainstage. Two three tiered towers rise on either side of the set, a hydraulic lift rises and falls periodically from the center of the stage and a smaller central tower provides space for a steamy bedroom, a malfunctioning elevator, and a pair of Coney Island swings alternately.
Augustine's choreography takes full advantage of these various spaces, and is one of the strongest components of the show. While the acting and singing are inconsistent at times, the choreography remains consistently solid. Augustine's strong points, however, seem to be at opposite extremes - either in effectively employing large numbers of dancers such as in the wedding scene in the second act, or in focusing attention on a single actor or actress' solo. Some of the most compelling moments of the show come when Augustine deals with situation comedy scenes, as when Vittorio is caught between Charity and his steady, Ursula (played by Kate _ Earls '0_) or when Charity and Oscar refuse to look at each other in Barney's Chile Hacienda.
The orchestra supports the cast well in this production, although they struggled with the overture. The orchestra became more confident as the show continued, however. The lighting was superb, especially in the first scene where bright, bold primary colors were used to set the tone for the show.
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