
Back to Basics: Emphasizing the Compassionate Side of Medicine

Judging from a keynote address Shama gave at the annual meeting of the College of Osteopedic Surgeons in Boston on Sept. 21, his speeches are a mix of personal storytelling, inspirational quotations and warm fuzzy rhetoric.

In "Rediscovering the Joys of Medicine," he describes how he lost--and rediscovered--the satisfaction of practicing medicine and how his colleagues can learn from his experience.

In his rousing conclusion, Shama leaves behind his gentle, fatherly style in favor of a more spirited outcry. "At the end of your life if someone should say to you 'Have you lived your life out loud,' I hope you say, 'OH YEAH!' " he says.


Along the way, the audience hears stories of his work at Harvard hospitals, such as the time he called a colleague just to tell him that a patient said he had a friendly bedside manner.

Dr. S. "Jay" Jayasankar, an instructor in Orthopedics at HMS who leads workshops with Shama, says doctors listen to Shama because he understands their difficulties.

"Many people connect easily at the disenchantment level," he says. "He reaches people through the empathy factor. Then he shows them that there is so much to enjoy; there's so much that we do that's fun."


The talks are certainly crowd pleasers.

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