
In Alumni Reunion, PBHA Celebrates Century of Service

"It's been a great opportunity for people who served together to meet each other," Robert E. Giannino '94 said. "My hat goes off to the PBHA people who organized this."

Several recent graduates alluded to a decrease in tensions with University administrators since 1995, when about 700 students rallied in Harvard Yard against an administration that wanted more oversight of PBHA, which had been autonomous for many years.


Clay M. West '97 said he was pleased that the disputes between students and administrators have calmed.

"PBHA has solidified its relationship with the University," West said. "In practice, it's better than we hoped."

The informative panel sessions addressed a wide array of topics, such as "Trends in Undergraduate Public Service," "Philanthropy in the 21st Century" and "Connecting the Local and Global."

Several discussion leaders said that even in a complex world, seemingly insignificant efforts by individuals can make profound differences.

Mary Jo Bane, Bradshaw professor of public policy, said people should still value personal interactions highly.

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