
New Harvard Initiatives Will Aid Community

University plans new push on jobs, health

Harvard is poised to undertake a series of major community initiatives in Boston and Cambridge, pledging to commit the financial and academic resources of the University to improve the public health, education and job training in the region.

Paul S. Grogan, Harvard's vice president for government, community and public affairs said the initiatives--some details of which will be announced in January--will be modeled on the University's successful "20/20/2000" affordable housing loan program, which began last November.

"We envision '20/20/2000' as the first in a series of significant and high profile community initiatives," Grogan said. "[We are trying] to match the strengths of the University with critical human needs."


"Housing was the first," he added.

Grogan said his office has worked closely with Harvard's faculties and with local officials to determine how the University can best assist its two home cities.

Cambridge Mayor Anthony D. Galluccio said he welcomes Harvard's efforts to become more involved in the city, particularly in the areas of employment and education.

"There is limitless potential in what we can do," he said.

But Galluccio said he feels current proposals are not yet well formed.

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