
Saved By The Bell: Ew Gotta Wonder

Talk of the aging and oft-injured Ewing demanding a massive contract extension at the end of this coming season surely forced the Knicks' hand. New York nearly traded him to Seattle in a different deal earlier in the summer, one that would have brought Olympian Vin Baker to the Garden along with Rice.


But the fourth team involved in that deal withdrew, and the trade died. The Sonics continued to go after Ewing, but it became clear that all New York would be able to squeeze out of the deal was Rice, a perimeter player on the downside of his career. The Knicks held out for a frontcourt player, someone who could begin to fill the void at center.

Apparently, the Knicks feel they have found that player, and his name is Luc Longley.

Luc Longley! That's right, the big goofy Australian guy who jumped on Michael Jordan's back and rode it to three championships but did little else. Luc Longley, whose ability to get up and down the court makes the lumbering Patrick look like Maurice Greene. Luc Longley, who, days after the trade, promptly tore ligaments in his knee and will miss at least the first 15 games of the upcoming season.

Once he does return, he'll be able to find solace in the fact that, on nights when the Garden is loud enough, "Booooo!" sounds a lot like "Luuuc!"

Until then, Ewing's big shoes will be filled by below average backups Travis Knight and Vlad Stepania. They will be enough to make even the fickle New York press long for Ewing's presence. Heck, it'll be enough to make them long for Walt Bellamy.

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