
Lemmon Cancels Appearance at Hasty Pudding

"Jack Lemmon really wants to do it and he felt really bad," he said. "We're still hopeful he'll be able to do it this year."

The financial implications of the cancellation for the HPT, which is preparing to move out of its theater because of planned renovations, are unclear. The group had hoped to use some of the event's proceeds to pay for theater space in the coming months.


The Institute of 1770, the HPT's parent organization, signed a letter of intent this spring to transfer ownership of its building to Harvard, in part due to arrears owed the University.

The Nov. 3 show would have been open exclusively to undergraduates, with tickets selling for $9.

The next night, by contrast, was described by Forkner as a "benefit show." Lemmon and Farr said they would donate the proceeds from the $50-a-head black-tie event to the Theatricals. The organization could have grossed up to $18,000 from this performance, Forkner said

Before the show was cancelled, HPT leaders crowed at the expected financial windfall.

"It comes at a very fortunate time for us because of the relocation, helping with costs associated with that," said co-producer Suzanne M. Pomey '02 before the cancellation. "When renovations start, we'll probably have to move into Boston and pay for that. And then we'll have to pay for transportation."

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