
ABC Anchor Koppel States "Private Thoughts" at ARCO Forum Event

"People who have no one else to speak for them feel that the press is their only outlet," Koppel told The Crimson in an interview. "To use the old cliche: journalists [are to] discomfort the powerful and comfort the powerless."

Koppel, who is in his 37th year with the ABC network, disapproved of the mistrust between the press and those that they cover today.


He said some of the hostility has been caused by journalists trying to get past press releases in search of the "real" story.

"Getting it on first has become more important than getting it right," Koppel said. "This creates a problem."

In a humorous analogy, Koppel compared society's view of the media and himself with peoples' view of Congress and their own representative.

"People will approach me on the street and say, 'I hate the media! But I like you,'" he said.

Addressing a concern that the media violates peoples' right to privacy, Koppel said journalists need to be more discreet in their coverage of citizens in the news.

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