
Some Literature of Social Reflection

This is not a book that Harvard undergraduates are going to buy in large or even modest quantities. We are more inclined to discuss moral leadership as an abstraction in section than as a topic of deep personal interest. The easiset way to read Coles's book is as a primer on the qualities of moral leadership, as a guide to what we have seen and looked for in moral leaders. This might also be the least appealing way to read it, as far as college students are concerned; we think we are too worldly and intelligent for such romantic and familiar conceptions. Maybe we are, and maybe we aren't. But we are not above taking a moment to pause and ask whether we have what it takes to be a moral leader, and to wonder if we will recognize and act during those moments that demand our moral leadership. In some ways, this question is far more important than any intellectual problem we could hope to encounter during our time at college.




Robert Coles

Random House

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