You also harp on how you are a uniter, not a divider. You seek to "set aside the partisan differences" and to "work together." Of course, your leadership skills and warm smile will cause Republicans and Democrats to hold hands and forget about partisan differences. You will single-handedly unite the Congress because that is what you did in Texas and Texas is a big state.
Later, when a man questioned the apparent pride that you felt when you spoke of putting "three white thugs" to death in Texas in the previous debate, you said, "I'm not proud of any record." Throughout your primary campaign, I vaguely remember you lauding the efficiency and success of the Texas criminal justice system. In fact, you said you were absolutely certain that no innocent person had been put to death. This seems to me like pride in a record. In addition, you smiled and snickered in the previous debate as you said that you were going to put the "three thugs" to death. I think that you insulted the intelligence of the man who asked you the question by responding as you did.
Finally, in every debate, you promise an America where "no child, not one child, is left behind." You may want to reconsider that promise. If you are elected, I think that I will be able to find one child who feels as if he or she has been left behind.
The last category, George, is the "unfunny" category. You may not realize it, but most of the time, when you are laughing, the rest of us are not. Perhaps Texas humor does not extend far beyond the state lines. Try to keep your humor to a minimum. You receive plenty of laughs without even trying.
I hope that this helps, George. Oh, one final note. You should probably stop saying, "Should I earn your confidence," because the public might start to ask themselves that same question. Best of luck.