
Scholars Urge Candidates To Protect Children From Violent Advertising

Linn said that these regulations are needed because children cannot filter, censor or effectively judge commercials.

"Young children especially have trouble distinguishing between commercials and programming," Linn said. "They tend to believe what they see."


Marketing to adults is different, said William R. Beardslee, chair of the psychiatry department at the medical school, who signed the letter.

"The basic point about advertising to an adult is that we believe that adults are free and capable of choosing," he said. "We are believed to be capable of making an independent choice and we don't need protection from advertising."

In addition to Linn and Beardslee signers from the Harvard community are Presley Professor of Psychiatry emeritus Leon Eisenberg, Hobbs Professor of Education Howard E. Gardner, Brazelton Professor of Pediatrics and Master of Adams House Judith Palfrey, Professor of Psychiatry Alvin F. Poussaint, Senior Lecturer on Women's Studies Juliet B. Schor, and Graduate School of Education Lecturer Richard J. Weissbourd.

--Staff writer Joshua E. Gewolb can be reached at

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