
Princeton Drops M. Soccer, 3-0

Although Saturday's loss was the Crimson's most lopsided defeat all season and effectively ended its shot at the Ivy title, the team remained optimistic about its postseason prospects.

On Tuesday, Harvard will host Fairfield, which is currently ranked second in the region. If Harvard can pull off a win, the Crimson's regional ranking would greatly increase and possibly place it in contention for an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament.

"It's critical that we do well in the region," Kerr said. "We have to make the most of this opportunity."


The players also understand the importance of Tuesday's game. With a win, the Crimson season can be turned around.

"This is our season right here," Mejias said. "Winning our regional games is now our only way of getting into the tournament."

Tuesday's critical game against Fairfield will begin at 2:30 p.m. on Ohiri Field.

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