
Current, RNC Spar Over `Liar' Article

According to May, Levine left a single message for King at the committee's offices, but that a medical absence prevented her from responding in time.

May said Levine had apparently made no attempt to reach the communications office for either an official comment or for help in reaching King.

Levine counters that he did indeed call the committee's communications office, but that a message he left with an employee was not returned.


Next came a series of vituperative conversations between May and Levine before and after the publication of the Post article.

Levine accused May of trying to intimidate him and to deflect the story by challenging the author's credibility, while May said that Levine "treated us very unfairly" by going to press without any comments from King or from the committee.

May said the committee does not plan to take legal action against the Current at this time.

The Current stands behind the article, Levine said.

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