THC: Do you have words of encouragement for Michael?
JA: Oh man, I'm watching Michael like a hawk. I want to see how beaten up he gets. I want to see how the networks treat him, how the audience treats him. Are they more forgiving because of "Seinfeld" or are they less forgiving because of "Seinfeld?" His idea is really good. I can watch Michael drink a glass of water and it's funny. So we'll see. I'm certainly glad it's him and not me.
THC: How much control do you have in developing that concept [for your show]?
JA: They can't make me do a show I don't want to do. It's the only place I can say that I'm king of the mountain. Anything that smells like "Seinfeld," they think will stink again. And they are probably more than willing to roll the dice. But, and this is probably also the only place you'll hear me say this-I'm doing another sitcom but not because I'm dying to create another half hour of television. I do it because it's a great enabler for other things I would like to do as well and because it's a great job to have as a father. So given that as the goal of its success, I will give the audience exactly what they want short of a George clone. But if anyone asks, will we see shades of George? You bet your ass you will.