
The Ra-Hooligan: Gotta Give Credit to That O-Line

An important aspect of this gelling process is new offensive line Coach Jim Turner. A Boston College graduate, Turner returned back to the Hub after an exemplary one-year stint as line coach at Louisiana Tech. That team led the nation in passing yards (402.1 yards per game), and was second in total offense. A lot of that fed off Turner's work on the line.

"It's great that we got [Turner] on this team," Kistler said. "He brings a lot of discipline and energy. He's intense, and the offensive line responds to that."

"But he's not the yelling type," Clare added.


Both Kistler and Clare agree that Turner's biggest contribution during the Lafayette game was helping them with the little adjustments necessary to pick up different defensive schemes and blocking patterns.

One of the most interesting developments to watch over the course of the season will be the offensive line's improvement. Along with Kadzielski, Clare and Kistler are left guard Dan Weidle and right tackle Steve Collins. If the guys up front can win the war on the line, then Harvard can work on getting the ball down the field.

It's a simple premise, really.

"We figured out that if we give Neil Rose four seconds, he threads the needle," Clare said.

For a team that needs to throw to win, those four seconds may be the most important.

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