
UHS Remains Undecided On Abortion Pill

FDA last month approved RU-486 for use in U.S.

Students "with strong moral objections to sharing the cost of elective abortions" can apply for a refund of the portion of their $1 fee used for this purpose. The option, outlined in the Guide to UHS, was exercised by 271 students last year.

Rosenthal said more might exercise the option if they were aware that it existed.


"A lot of students don't know about it because they don't read the health guide," he said.

It is currently unclear whether RU-486 will be covered by either the subsidy or the refund program.

There is disagreement within the student body about the UHS funding allocation.

"Students for Choice expects that UHS insurance will subsidize funds towards the prescription of RU-486, just as it does for surgical abortions," said Victoria L. Steinberg '01, a "Students for Choice" representative.

"We hope that UHS will not expand its refund 'policy' to cover RU-486."

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