
Red Tape, High Fees: Looking for Parking

"At this point I've given up and just take the bus, cheaper and more environmentally friendly," Campbell says. "Even if I were finally to be awarded a permit, I would turn it down and continue to use the bus."

Faculty who park in Harvard lots can get different types of parking permits. The "pooled" permit allows parking in designated areas from 7 a.m. to midnight for $420 per year.


Professor of English James Engell '73 owns a permit, and though he says parking is a problem for many faculty members, he says lives in Acton and frequently takes the commuter rail into Cambridge and is thus less inconvenienced than other professors.

"Parking is increasingly under pressure, and parking is a problem," Engell says. "I don't know if it will get better. I have talked to the parking office several times and suggested that they do some tough enforcement."

For luckier professors, assigned spaces are available for use on a 24-hour basis but cost almost twice as much as pooled parking places.

Bernbaum Professor of Literature Leo Damrosch has a private spot on Prescott Street behind the Barker Center--a spot for which many professors would kill.

Though Damrosch does not drive to work every day, he is afraid to give up the parking space for fear that he would never get another one.

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