
Mondale Press Secretary Dins With Dems

She was the second of several speakers lined up in the College Democrats' election 2000 dinner series. The event, which took place in the Quincy Junior Common Room, "gives an opportunity for the faculty and students to interact along the shared lines of Democratic interest," said Sonia H. Kastner '03, who arranged the election 2000 dinner series.

Isaacs also said last night that she believes the press and politicians have a limited influence on the public, since they tend to talk in policy language.


She also discussed what she called the "phony balancing" act the media tries to play, particularly in this election's post-debate discussions.

"We're not really being illuminated at all about what's happening in the election," Isaacs said.

Isaacs began her career in politics in 1970, working for Mondale. She then worked as a free-lance reporter until Mondale became vice-present under Jimmy E. Carter in 1976, when she became deputy press secretary. After Carter and Mondale were defeated, Isaacs worked in public relations in New York. When Mondale made his run for president in 1983 against Ronald W. Reagan, she became Mondale's deputy campaign manager.

Isaacs called the 1984 Democratic convention, at which Mondale named Geraldine Ferraro his running mate, the highpoint of her career of involvement with politics.

"The Ferraro appointment was breaking a barrier that had never been broken before," Issacs said.

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