
Group To Sponsor Socially Oriented Start-Up Companies

There's money out there for the taking, but only to those who are willing to give.

The Social Enterprise Club (SEC) has announced a new program that will offer money, advice and aministrative assistance to student start-up companies on campus. But to qualify, start-ups must be directed toward a social goal, not simply making money.

"[Enterprises] can either be for profit or non-profit, but they must have a social mission as their primary goal," said Program Director David M. Rosenblatt '02. "The creation of wealth for them must be a means to an end."


The program--nicknamed "incubator"--is being funded by a donor who has requested anonymity, Rosenblatt wrote in an e-mail. Rosenblatt said the size of the gift funding the program will depend on the needs of the projects that apply.

In early December, applicants will submit preliminary business plans, which will be judged by a panel of social entrepreneurs and SEC staffers.

"We expect to choose 2-3 projects this year," Rosenblatt wrote.

Money will be allotted to each of the winning plans according to their individual need.

"We have avoided setting a dollar amount in order to keep the focus on ideas, rather than a cash prize," he wrote.

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