


Mideast Splits Campus

To the editors:

The recent violence in the Middle East (News, "Violence Intensifies in Middle East," Oct. 13) is a tragic blow to the struggle for peace in that region--we must all stand up against this atrocious loss of human lives. I support the recent vigils that have occurred on campus to protest the violence. However, I have been disturbed by the unashamedly one-sided points of view that have been advocated by different student groups.


In a flier passed out at the Memorial Church vigil on Tue., Oct. 10, the Concerned Students for a Peaceful Middle East claimed that the loss of what was then more than 80 lives in the recent violence was the fault of the Palestinians alone.

Alternatively, the Harvard Society of Arab Students, in an e-mail message publicizing the same vigil, declares that Israel's actions have been condemned from many quarters, but does not mention any wrongdoing by Palestinians.

If idealistic students halfway around the world are not open-minded enough to see both sides of this issue, is it any wonder that peace in the Middle East is so difficult? Without compromise, it will be impossible to put an end to the killing we have seen recently. I hope that here at Harvard we can set an example for the reasonable, forgiving negotiation that we expect from world leaders in the Middle East.

H. Wells Wulsin '01

Oct. 12, 2000

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