
Barrios Encourages Adams House Students To Vote

While most students said they had already registered in their home states, many were impressed by the representative's personal approach.

"Having a representative care so much as to come in is really great," said Jennifer S. Wagner '01.


Theodora "Dorie" R. Clark, an Adams House non-resident tutor and Barrios' former campaign manager, described the representative as a "social activist."

"His number-one issue is housing simply because there's been such a crisis in affordable housing," she said.

This focus on social activism came out in Barrios' talks with students. One of the major concerns that he discussed was a Massachusetts ballot initiative which, if approved, would "create an across-the-board income tax cut that would force us to close a number of social service programs."

Although Barrios, who is running unopposed for reelection, said he was not disappointed by the results of last night's drive, he maintained that college voter participation is dangerously low.

"I was satisfied that [there were so many] who were already registered," he said. "[But] it is alarming," he added, "when the best and brightest are not interested in voting."

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