
Architect Favors Environmental Design

McDonough promotes 'green' movement

When working for firms, McDonough said his first goal is to go beyond the legal requirements for environmental protection.

"Regulation is a signal of failure," he said.


As an example, he cited a factory he designed a factory in which the water flowing out is purer than the water flowing in.

Members of the audience of 200 said they were enthusiastic about McDonough's arguments.

"What he's saying is incredibly exciting," said Emily Goldblatt, a city planner in the audience. "I despair when I look at the buildings around us. Look at the beautiful Blodgett Pool. Not a single ray of natural light!"

Michael R. Labosky, who works on behalf of environmental health and safety at Harvard, said the talk gave him new ideas about the environment.

"He makes me feel very optimistic about how we can safeguard future, Labosky said.

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