
Yard Goes Wild for Primal Scream

"We go to Lamont and basically strip down. I had lingerie and a wig- anything inappropriate would do," said Co-op stripper Janson Wu '00. "Usually we get kicked out of Lamont, but that didn't happen this year."

Dudley Co-op residents pride themselves on their originality, and participants say they see the striptease in Lamont as a safer and more daring alternative to the traditional Primal Scream run.

"We did it because it's a tradition. Like all Harvard institutions, the


Dudley coop has irrational affection for its traditions," Aron R. Fischer '00 said. "Also because the primal scream is always so bloody cold, causing everybody to run really fast, making it difficult to get a very good view of peoples' bodies. In Lamont, you get a better look."

As for the more diligent students attempting to study in the library, they said the interruption was a short and well deserved study break.

"The Dudley strip in Lamont is without a doubt the best display of public nudity at Harvard. The only problem with this year's event is that too many people knew about it in advance," said bystander Melvin V. Priester '01. "It's a lot more fun when you're sitting there and you look up and suddenly it's on and you're like 'Wow, there's that girl from section standing in her skivvies... that's just wrong.'"

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