
The "V" Spot: Harvard Hazed by Vermont Scandal

Once Judith Ramaley, UVM's president, saw through the lies, she declared that she had seen enough. Goodbye season.

The stupidity of the whole scandal goes without saying. Like it or not, hazing is a rite of passage for many college organizations. Those Vermont seniors who were getting their jollies watching their naked rookies, probably assumed the Dumbo position in their first season.


Within reason, hazing does serve a purpose. Messing with the new guys does build up some organizational spirit. Even The Crimson has a little fun with its frosh on Grand Election Night.

But no theft. No involuntary drinking. And--for Pete's sake--no fondling.

The scary part is that this is not an isolated incident. Vermont just happened to be dumb enough to haze someone not yet on the team. It occurs elsewhere and is much, much worse at larger schools with less oversight over their athletes.

Don't be fooled into thinking it doesn't happen here. Go ask your friend in the Owl. Ask why the men's rugby team was suspended two years ago--someone will show you a bloody carcass of a goat.

That type of behavior simply crosses the line from initiation to pure mean-spiritedness. A whole conference now feels the effects.

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