

Necessary Nakedness

The majority of Primal Scream runners, however, tend to keep their clothes on when in the presence of others. Their brief stint with nudity is motivated by a stress-induced need to break the rules. As students we inhabit a space that is clearly defined by administrators, parents and professors. We compete for grades--arbitrary symbols of our intellectual achievement. And the fact that we were admitted implies that we are fairly adept at playing by the rules. But even (or especially?) the most strait-laced member of the debate club can benefit from stripping off (quite literally) their inhibitions. We all could use a vacation from conformity.

But then again, Primal Scream contains a distinct Harvard element as well. At other schools, more students might choose to run during the spring, when chafing and other symptoms of over-exposure are less likely. At this college, however, the larger crowd generally appears in the winter. Running naked during warm weather is too easy. This particular student body always needs a challenge.


Christina S. Lewis '02 is a history and literature concentrator in Leverett House.

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