
Change at College Comes at Slow Pace

Holden Chapel is 256 years old.

Over the last three centuries, the third oldest building in the Yard has hosted the provincial House of Representatives, a military barracks and at the turn of the century played home to the Medical School and almost all undergraduate lectures.

Most recently, the chapel has served as the primary rehearsal and performance space for the College's choral groups.


After so much wear and tear, former Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III, decades ago, envisioned a new and improved Holden Chapel. With some renovations, Holden could ease the space crunch facing so many student groups and make for a beautiful and intimate performance venue.

Twenty years after this idea first appeared on the College agenda, Holden renovations were finished this past summer.

It wasn't for Epps' lack of trying that renovations came about so slowly. Epps, a former assistant choral director himself, repeatedly made his case to other College officials and those in the upper administration of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS).

That's how many ideas get the necessary financial support to become a reality at the College--an administrator recognizes a need among students and takes up the cause.

After a long time of lobbying, their vision may become a reality. Other times, because of a difference in opinion between deans or a lack of allocated funds, an idea never gets past the discussion stage.

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