
Semester's Stars Chosen

Common casting exhilarating, dangerous for some

Royd Chung '01, a former member of the Callbacks and a cast member of last semester's Hasty Pudding show, said he enjoyed common casting before eventually deciding to take the semester off from drama.

"I had a great time learning the different songs and dances, and the people I met through the process were really cool," Chung said. "It also made me psyched to go see the shows even though I won't be in them."

Shawn H. Snyder '00 described his common casting experience as thoroughly exhausting.


"I was limping and had bandaids on [my knees] for days...but it was a good, burning worthwhile pain," he said.

Though many who endured the pains of common casting did not get the part they wanted, all the participants seemed to get something out of the experience.

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