
Cambridge School Enrollment Declines

The public schools are grasping for a solution. In the past two years, D'Alessandro's says she has tried to conduct an exit interview with every family leaving the Cambridge public school system. Of those she interviewed, about half are leaving because they're moving out of Cambridge, and half because the children are entering a different school system--a decision she says she respects.

"I tried to talk to them and we really tried to work with them, but I honor what parents want for their children," says D'Alessandro.

The Private-School Allure


Jacqueline Miller is one Cambridge parent that D'Alessandro might be interviewing soon.

Her two sons, ages 12 and 13, attend the Longfellow School, but she says she is considering sending the older one to a private high school instead of to CRLS.

Cambridge's public elementaries tend to provide the small class sizes, various specialized programs and personal student attention that parents crave.

But Miller says when it comes time to send their children to CRLS, many parents balk.

"A lot of us have concerns about the high school," says Miller, who works as a developer of high school science curriculum for the Education Development Center. "At least for my friends, that's where the transition has been."

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